This game is fun but there is a few changes i would suggest a few changes i would like it if you took the time to read this review it would help you a lot. 1. I would suggest a skin changer like you create a skin to use or you have different ones ready. 2. It needs defense maps like in the computer version. 3. It is really hard to get kills in a row, so you cant really get better weapons. 4. You need to add on more ammo like instead of 40 shotgun ammo you should be able to level it up to like 60 or 80. 5. And last, but not least it needs a multiplayer update so you can play online or via bluetooth with your friends or just random people, but if you do this you will need a chat bar to communicate and also a swear filter. Thank you for taking the time to read this reveiw and i hope you take it into consideration and support the ideas that i have. :-)
Sacratos about Boxhead - The Zombie Wars, v4.0.2